Future 50 Recognition for Church Metal Spinning 2015


Church Metal Future 50 2015 Recognition

Church Metal has been recognized as one of the fastest growing small businesses in the Milwaukee area by being named as on of the MMAC’s “Future 50″. The Milwaukee Metropolitan Association of Commerce surveys small businesses in the Milwaukee area and chooses the 50 fastest growing Companies for recognition. This award recognizes Church Metal’s efforts to successfully serve our Customers with metal fabricated parts to their specifications.

Future 50 2015 is an encore recognition, last recognized in the Future 50 2008.

future 50 2015
Church Metal Spinning is pleased to be recognized in the Future 50 2015.

BizTimes.com shares this about Future 50 Recognition:

The Metropolitan Milwaukee Association of Commerce’s (MMAC) Council of Small Business Executives (COSBE) today announced the winners of the annual Future 50 awards.

MMAC/COSBE began the Future 50 program in 1980 to recognize the outstanding achievements of local, fast-growing entrepreneurs. The program recognizes privately-owned companies in the seven county region that have been in business for at least three years and have shown significant revenue and employment growth.

See http://www.biztimes.com/article/20150907/MAGAZINE03/150909874/0/SEARCH


About the author 

Mark Verhein

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